There are many legislators who have spent much of their lives in the public service of our state, but few compare to Representative Jim Kasper. Jim is clearly focused on a legacy of public service to the citizens of District 46, and more broadly, the state of North Dakota. Just as important, he represents the best of what we at Kansas Family Voice of North Dakota seek in a legislator.

First and foremost, Jim is not ashamed to tell you that his faith guides his decisions. As a Christian, he uses this foundation to be a strong advocate for biblical values. We are proud to endorse someone who will protect and advance your most deeply held beliefs.

In his role in the state House of Representatives, Jim has made an indelible mark and earned the respect of his fellow legislators. In his almost 20 years of service in the legislature, he has served on many committees and task forces, including his current positions on the House Business, Industry, and Labor; Health Care; Judiciary; and Commerce Committees; and Chair of the House Government and Veteran Affairs and Ethics Committees. He is someone that is in a position to truly make a difference in the legislature on your behalf.

Kansas Family Voice® is proud to endorse Jim Kasper for reelection to represent District 46. He has a proven track record in the state legislature of fighting for life, protecting religious freedoms, and supporting North Dakota families. Jim will be an excellent Representative to advocate and vote for your biblical values and reelecting him will ensure he can continue to establish a legacy of public service, representing you on key family issues.

Supporting Jim Kasper,

Mark Jorritsma
President and Executive Director


Paid for by Kansas Family Voice of North Dakota


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