We can all acknowledge that the Left does not hide its agenda or its strategy. It is very clear, if you are watching. The most recent attack from the Left requires that every man, woman, and child, no matter their station in life, agree with their radical sexual agenda.

Your vote in the City Election on November 5th can send a strong message about this agenda in Wichita. (Learn which candidates support this radical agenda below.)

As noted in an email yesterday, these new ordinances and laws affect Kansas businesses and consumers in drastic ways. They also pose safety and privacy issues for girls and women because they mandate restrooms, locker rooms and changing rooms be gender neutral.

As we’ve discussed before several city councils in Johnson County have been quietly passing SOGI ordinances.

But it’s not just Johnson County that is being targeted. Wichita is the next city in the bullseye.

This issue is front and center in the Wichita election on November 5th, and depending on whom you vote for in the upcoming election, a SOGI ordinance could make its way into Wichita very soon.

The candidates below have expressed support for the LGBTQ+ agenda or have been endorsed by radical LGBTQ+ groups. Several of them even held a campaign event in a gay bar:

Wichita Mayor
Brandon Whipple
Amy Lyon

City Council District 2
Becky Tuttle
Rodney Wren

City Council District 4
Beckie Jenek

Wichita (USD 259) School Board
Stan Reeser
Joseph W. Shepard

Please remember to vote on November 5th and vote your values.

For the freedom of all Kansans,

Brittany Jones, Esq.
Director of Advocacy


Paid for by Kansas Family Voice of Kansas


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