Dear Friends:

I am going to get right to the point today—this email is about money.

I am excited to report that our ministry has had a strong fiscal year and we are growing. The good Lord has truly blessed our efforts, and together, we are making a difference in New Mexico.

Our work, however, is far from done.

Come 2020, we will once again be facing far-left, progressive efforts to hijack our state and our values. We already know they will spend large amounts of money promoting an agenda that will harm families and destroy human life. Remember abortion up-to-birth, House Bill 51? Well, it is coming back during the 2020 Legislative Session beginning in January.

Friends—this is why we need to close our fiscal year strong by raising $12,090.84 before September 30th. Can you help us reach this goal with a generous gift today?

Please note, this is not a crisis email by which if you do not respond today, the lights get shut down. Instead, this is an opportunity to meet the bold fundraising target we originally set for this year and begin our next fiscal year in a good position to defend life and freedom in our state!

Your support today will help us continue to lead this charge. Right now, we are holding the line; but with your continued prayers and financial support, we can begin to gain ground and move our values forward for a New Mexico where religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.

I hope we can count on you. Please click here to donate today!

In His Service,

Vince Torres
President and Executive Director



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