I’m going to get right to the point: this email is about money.

By the grace of God, our ministry has had a strong legislative year here in ND, with many pro-life and pro-family wins. Last year we had huge wins getting godly men and women elected into key state and federal offices. We have six Statesmen Academy graduates now serving in our legislature. And the list goes on…

The reality is that this all takes money and we want to grow to do more. We are grateful to the Lord for His provision and to you for your dedication. Words cannot measure our gratitude. But the other side is spending millions to promote a culture of death, an assault on faith, and a deconstruction of the family. Planned Parenthood fights our state’s pro-life laws in court, the LGBT community actively promotes laws that would erode religious freedoms, and legislators feel pressure on a continual basis pushing them to waver on their biblical beliefs.

That’s why we need to close our fiscal year strong by raising $42,246 by the end of our fiscal year (September 30th). Can you help us reach this goal with a generous gift today?

I’m going to be honest with you. This isn’t a crisis email where if you don’t respond today the lights get shut off tomorrow. Instead, it’s an opportunity to surpass the revenue raised last year and begin the next fiscal year in a strong position to defend life and freedom across our state!

We all know 2020 will be a big year, and we know that the Left will pour millions of dollars into North Dakota to advance their agenda, including:

  • Reversing our existing pro-life laws and fighting new ones;
  • Promoting the LGBT agenda to all North Dakotans, including children as young as kindergarteners;
  • Continuing to push our schools to adopt radical and ineffective curriculum;
  • Legalizing recreational marijuana;
  • Campaigning for candidates that are opposed to our biblical values; and
  • Punishing bold, pro-family elected officials who, because of their commitment and the strong leadership in our state, help establish a national tone that is proudly pro-life and biblically based.

Your support today to help us reach this goal will allow us to continue to lead the charge – not just hold the line, but actually gain ground for our shared values moving forward. I hope we can count on you.


Mark Jorritsma
President & Executive Director


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