Kansas Family Voice of North Dakota held our dessert banquets in Bismarck and Fargo this week, and they were incredible! Over 700 ministry partners, attended our events. They brought family members and friends. They listened to our vision. They were inspired and entertained by the Benham Brothers. And they gave generously to support our work here.

One thing that stands out to me is the fellowship we all experienced. There were hundreds of Christians unified in purpose and values. I had a chance to meet many supporters for the first time and it was great to witness a willingness to stand together on important issues.

The comradery we shared through similar life experiences and challenges was apparent and I’m reminded of Psalm 133:1, where it says, “Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity.”

Together, by the grace of God, we have already seen in this legislative session that we can do amazing things for His kingdom when we work together.


If you were able to join us, you know how blessed our evening was. I know some of you were unable to attend the banquets for various reasons, even though you would have loved to have been there. To you I say, there’s always next year. In the meantime, please continue to pray for our work, respond to our action alerts and financially support Kansas Family Voice of North Dakota.

I look forward to many more opportunities to gather to encourage each other and to celebrate the opportunities we have to work together.

Mark Jorritsma
Executive Director

PS If you were unable to join us for one of our dessert banquets, you can still give. Thank you for partnering with us and our event co-sponsor the Family Foundation of North Dakota.


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