“Whenever the people are well informed, they can be trusted with their own government; that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights.” – Thomas Jefferson

Part of our mission at Kansas Family Voice is to keep you informed on policies that impact you and your family. As we do, you’ll be able to act by contacting elected officials, testifying in committee hearings, and exercising your right to voice to express your values.

Here is where you can find information and action items you can take to preserve your family values, religious liberties, and other freedoms you enjoy as an American and Kansan.

Click below to fill out one of our current Action Alerts:

Ask your legislators to support the Adoption Conscience Bill (H.B. 2311).

Ask your legislators to ensure pregnant moms receive child support (H.B. 2062)

Ask your legislators to support the Given Name Act (S.B. 76)!

Ask your legislators to support Education Tax Credits (S.B. 75)!


We have the right, privilege and obligation to speak into every aspect of our government. Our Action Center makes it easy for you to do that.

Take Action