MARCH 17, 2021


Kansas Senate Passes the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act
Measure Protects Opportunities for Females to Shoot for the Stars


Topeka, Kans. (March 17, 2021) – Today, the Kansas Senate passed the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act 24 to 10 (with 5 abstentions). This is huge victory for girls in Kansas, declaring that their opportunities cannot be stolen by biological males. Kansas is just one of 28 states that are considering this bill this session.


Statement from Jessica Steffen, Kansas native & former Division 1 College Athlete who testified on behalf of the Fairness in Women’s Sports in committee:

“I couldn’t be more excited that the Fairness in Women’s Sports bill was passed in the Senate today. This is a wonderful and necessary first step to preserving athletic opportunities for young women across the state of Kansas. It has been an honor to support this bill, out of respect for the generations of women who fought for Title IX and gave me the opportunity to pursue an Ivy League education through high school sports, as well as for the young girls who seek these same opportunities in the future.”


Statement From Brittany Jones, Esq., Director of Advocacy of Kansas Family Voice of Kansas:

“Courts have consistently held that there are differences between men and women that matter in select instances. Athletics is one of those instances. Girls desire a fair playing field. That is all this bill provides. I applaud the 24 Senators that voted in favor of opportunities for women today. In the month in which we celebrate the contributions that women have made to history, the Senate has now shown their commitment to women’s opportunity to make history in sports in the future. To every female athlete – this is a declaration that there is a place for you to shoot for the stars in Kansas.”


For media inquiries or to schedule an interview with Brittany Jones, contact Robert Noland at:  719-308-2822 or


Kansas Family Voice of Kansas is a Christ-centered organization with a vision for a nation where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive and life is cherished.



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