KFV calls on Kansas Legislature to Override Her Vote

Topeka, Kan.

Feb. 11, 2025 – For the third year in a row, Gov. Kelly has vetoed Help Not Harm (S.B. 63). The Help Not Harm Act ensures that minors cannot receive puberty blockers, cross sex hormones, or surgeries in an attempt to treat gender dysphoria. It includes a provision to allow children who are already on cross sex hormones time to wean off  those hormones. This bill has already passed in 22 states and has been upheld by federal courts. It passed 32-8 in the Senate and 83-35 in the House with several members missing.

Brittany Jones, Director of Policy and Engagement, Kansas Family Voice:

“We call on both chambers of the Legislature to work together to override this veto quickly. Kansas children deserve better than harmful experimentation and life altering procedures. This bill merely regulates a medical procedure which is well within the legislature’s jurisdiction. Though expected, we are disappointed that Governor Kelly once again vetoed Help Not Harm, putting ideology over the wellbeing of children. Diverse voices are consistently speaking out against these harmful procedures. It is long past time that we protect Kansas kids from these experiments. We call on our Legislature to immediately step up and protect our children.” 

Media Contact: (785) 542-0220, media@kansasfamilyvoice.com


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