APRIL 22, 2021

Gov. Kelly Betrays Kansas Girls in Failing to Protect Women’s Sports

(Topeka, Kans – April 22, 2021) – Today, Governor Kelly vetoed the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act, important legislation to ensure a fair playing field for women in Kansas. Over thirty states are now considering this legislation.

Statement from Brittany Jones, Esq., Director of Advocacy:

“Governor Kelly has sided today with the NCAA, who can’t even ensure girls have decent locker rooms, and the radical Left, who are working to erase women. Why would a family choose to move to Kansas if they knew their daughter’s opportunities were going to be stolen by a biological boy, no matter how hard that girl tried? If the Governor won’t stand up in this simple way, when will she stand up for girls?

“Today, we stand with every girl who is fighting for her dreams & with parents all across Kansas from Abilene to Zurich who just want their daughters & granddaughters to have a chance. This is who we’ve always been, whether it is fighting against exploitative practices like pornography, abortion, and human trafficking. We will not stop fighting for women.

“We call on the House & the Senate to override this discriminatory veto & let Kansas women know we will keep fighting for them.”

For media inquiries or to schedule an interview with Brittany Jones, contact Robert Noland at:  719-308-2822 or


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