National Day of Prayer was held in thousands of places around the country yesterday. National Day of Prayer is based on our understanding that this country was birthed in prayer and in reverence for the God of the Bible.

Kansas Family Voice of North Dakota participated at the National Day of Prayer event at the State Capitol in Bismarck. Lt. Gov. Brent Sanford opened the event by reading a statement from Gov. Burgum. That was followed by various community leaders praying for different subjects and by music from Tigirlily. I was honored to pray for God’s continued grace and provision of North Dakota families.

This year, roughly 350 North Dakotans attended the event, which was fabulous. We even had 55 students from Shiloh Christian School attending, which was wonderful, since it symbolized the commitment of our youth to the importance of prayer in their Christian lives. It was a great celebration, lifting our gratitude, concerns, and praise to our Lord.

We understand if you were unable to make yesterday’s event. However, we encourage you to try and attend next year. In the meantime, let’s remember to continue lifting our praise and concerns up to our Heavenly Father every day.


Mark Jorritsma
Executive Director


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