In case you missed it earlier this week, HB 1298, the Fairness in Girls’ Sports bill, was sent to Governor Burgum for his signature. Despite our hope that he would sign it into law, he instead opted to veto the bill, leaving girls’ sports open for male participation across North Dakota.

Yesterday, both the House and Senate voted to attempt to override Governor Burgum’s veto of this important bill. The bill reconsideration successfully surpassed the 2/3 vote requirement for override in the House by a vote of 68-25. The effort however fell short of the 2/3 vote requirement in the Senate on a 28-19 vote.

We are so disappointed with Governor Burgum and the North Dakota Senate members who did not take a stand on this issue to protect North Dakota girls. We are also very sad for all those girls who will have to face the resulting discrimination and injustice of competing against biological boys in their female sports.

We do want to highlight the steadfast support and determination that the bill’s primary sponsor, Representative Ben Koppelman, demonstrated at every legislative step for HB 1298. His help and leadership, and that of the bill’s cosponsors, was indispensable. The North Dakota House of Representatives was also bold and resolute in its efforts to pass this important legislation.

Lastly, I want to thank you for providing input to your legislators on this bill in recent weeks. We greatly appreciate your efforts to pass this pro-family legislation; your engagement is perhaps the most important, because no matter what, every legislator has to be responsive and accountable to his/her district’s constituents.

The legislature is set to continue for a few more days, adjourning sometime next week. Stay tuned in coming days for more details on some of the amazing accomplishments we saw in this legislative session – you won’t want to miss it!

Best regards,

Mark Jorritsma
President and Executive Director


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