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The media often act as if the only election is for the presidency. But so much more is at stake.

Top on the list is control of the U.S. Senate. That is critical for many reasons, especially for confirming or rejecting judicial nominees.

One example of a critical Senate race is in Florida, where Kansas Family Voice already has field staff on the ground. They’re leading teams who are calling and knocking on doors—reaching key pro-family citizens who are inconsistent voters and need your encouragement to go vote this November.

“We are thankful to partner with Kansas Family Voice in this year’s critical efforts to get pro-family voters to the polls,” says John Stemberger, president of Kansas Family Voice’s state group Florida Family Action. “This is the kind of on-the-ground work that wins elections, and we are grateful for the strategic support of the Kansas Family Voice team, which makes this project successful.”

Also, Kansas Family Voice is focused on key state legislative races that could make a huge difference in protecting life and religious freedom. For example, a change of just three seats in the Kentucky House could pave the way for passage of a host of pro- family protections that are currently being blocked.

And because judges so often strike down pro-family legislation, Kansas Family Voice is working to hold judges accountable. Among states we are focused on is Kansas, where several activist liberal judges are facing key retention votes.

Every candidate would have you believe that their race is the most important. But Kansas Family Voice does the digging for you to find the races around the country that really matter the most—and where additional resources will make a difference for your values.

That’s why one of the smartest ways for you to support pro-family election efforts is by investing in your Kansas Family Voice. When you do, you’ll influence the outcome of important down-ticket races. Will you partner with Kansas Family Voice today, to educate and rally pro-family Americans to the polls this fall?




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