The last few weeks have been a whirlwind in the political world, especially when it comes to the subject of abortion. What has been going on?

Most recently, President Trump nominated Judge Amy Coney Barrett for a seat on the Supreme Court. Judge Barrett is a solid conservative, with a history of textual interpretation of the Constitution and decisions that are based on judicial interpretation, not the activist court track record we’ve been subjected to for decades. A mother of seven, she lives out her support for family values including life. Kansas Family Voice is thrilled that President Trump chose Judge Barrett as his nominee; it provides a great hope for preserving the foundational values of our country.

Another noteworthy event, perhaps somewhat overshadowed by the nomination news, was that President Trump issued an Executive Order requiring the Health and Human Services Department to ensure that federally funded facilities provide life-saving medical care for all infants born alive – meaning it would include those who survive abortions. This is a huge step in the right direction, as some states contemplate or have already passed laws effectively allowing infanticide, by removing protections for babies born alive after a botched abortion.

The third development on the abortion front is the election itself. Never have abortion lines been drawn so sharply between candidates. As we move towards November 3rd, this difference will be further highlighted in debates, the media, and through their political campaigning. To be quite honest, President Trump needs the pro-life movement to win in November, and he knows it. However, he has shown himself to be a man of his word when it comes to protecting unborn children, and we have his strong track record as clear evidence where he will go if reelected.

Those are just a few of the major developments on the abortion front in the past few weeks. There is a lot riding on the next steps on all these issues. So, what can you do?

First of all, VOTE! Only by exercising your most important duty as a citizen of this great country can you make a long-term difference in where we are headed. This applies not only to the presidential race, but also state races (more on that next week). This year you have the option to vote early, or vote by absentee ballot or in person as you have in past years. To get information on all these options, go to our Secretary of State’s website and decide what works best for you.

Secondly, make your voice heard in DC. Feel free to let our state Senators know how strongly you feel about the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett. You can contact Senators Hoeven and Cramer through our Action Center and emphasize how important this vote is to you and your family when it comes to preserving your family values.

Third, get involved at a local level. One great way to do this is participating in the 40 Days for Life event currently underway. Let people of North Dakota know that we will stand together outside the abortion clinic in Fargo and in other places in ND and pray for these mothers, their unborn children, and the staff of the abortion clinic to see God’s will for their lives. To participate in 40 Days for Life and sign up for a prayer slot, you can go here:  40 Days for Life. Simply type “North Dakota” in the search box, choose your location, and click to see the details and sign up.

Finally, pray. Pray that God’s will be done in all these processes. It is only through His grace and sovereignty that change will occur on the abortion issue in this country.

We at Kansas Family Voice of North Dakota® thank you for your engagement in the political process. Through all our efforts and God’s providence, we can put an end to the needless slaughter of these innocent children.

For life,

Mark Jorritsma
President and Executive Director


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