Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” -Hebrews 12:1

Dear Friends:

I want to thank all of you who responded to last week’s email with words of support and encouragement as we reflected on our “Top 3 Accomplishments of 2019.”

This week, I want to take a brief moment to let you know where we are headed and what you can expect from us as we begin 2020.

 Our Top 3 Goals for 2020

#1—We will continue to be a Christian voice for you in Santa Fe during the 2020 Legislative Session!

In addition to providing policy support to our legislators, Kansas Family Voice of New Mexico®will work diligently to advance a legislative agenda that defends human life, strengthens families, and protects our First Amendment rights. We will be tracking legislation and we will keep you informed about specific bills we need to support or oppose. Further, we will be providing opportunities for you to engage directly with your elected officials, so please keep an eye out for our “Action Alerts.”

#2—We will work hard to elect pro-life, pro-family, and pro-religious freedom candidates during the 2020 Election!

Immediately following the 2018 Election, the far-left revealed their agenda for New Mexico. That agenda included codifying abortion up to the moment of birth; legalizing assisted suicide; legalizing recreational marijuana; and other efforts to infringe upon our Constitutional rights. One thing is clear—if we want change, we must elect change, and this year, we have that opportunity. As such, Kansas Family Voice of New Mexico will be tracking races, researching candidates, and scoring incumbent votes. In select races, we will also actively engage through official endorsements and/or voter guides, so voters can make informed decisions before heading to the polls.

 #3—We will continue to grow our network of pastors and churches throughout the state.

Politics runs downstream from the culture, and the Church is responsible for helping shape our culture. Therefore, we want to continue to serve pastors and churches by being a dependable, honest resource to help keep them informed on current events and public policy issues impacting religious freedom, families, and life.

 We have come a long way, but we still have much work to do. And together, with the good Lord’s blessing, I believe we will accomplish these things and so many more.

God bless you! Let’s get to work!

Vince Torres
President and Executive Director


We have the right, privilege and obligation to speak into every aspect of our government. Our Action Center makes it easy for you to do that.

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