Kansas Family Voice of Kansas® is proud to stand behind Kris Kobach as the only pro-life, pro-family, pro-freedom candidate for Governor.
Kris is a rock-solid champion of conservative Christian values. He has spent his career in public life unashamedly fighting for life, family, and religious freedom. I’ve been honored to get to know Kris and his wife, Heather, a bit over the last few years, and I can tell you that these aren’t merely political positions for them. The Kobachs models these values in their lives as homeschooling parents of five girls.
Despite the clear contrast between candidates, the race for governor is going to be extremely close. The liberal Kansas media will be working overtime to support their preferred candidates Laura Kelly and Greg Orman, relentless attacking and caricaturing Kris.
We need to have his back.
Eric Teetsel
President and Executive Director