Kansas Family Voice of Kansas mailers and ads helped inform voters in Olathe and Shawnee, resulting in major election victories.
Note: This is Part 2 of Keep the Faith in Kansas: SOGIs in schools
Tuesday night showed how Kansans can push back against the LGBT agenda in our cities and schools. See my report later in this email on how your support for Kansas Family Voice of Kansas helped bring about some great election wins in Olathe and Shawnee.
This is critical, as the Left has realized that they can’t win at the national or even the state level, they are instead coming after our cities and our schools. A comprehensive statewide sexual orientation and gender identity law (SOGI) has not been passed by a state since 2009. The radical left is mad about it, so they are now going after the low-hanging fruit – our city council members and your kids in school. In my last article on this topic, we talked about the effect of local ordinances on businesses for both business owners and their patrons. This week, I will look at how SOGI policies effect our kids in schools.
Parents often don’t even know what their child is being taught in the classroom on this subject – or that the school or school board has changed its policy – until after their child has already been exposed to the information. Girls come home telling stories of being forced to change for gym in front of boys, etc.
The biggest threat in the school system for kids in Kansas is through local school policies that open up school bathrooms, locker rooms and other intimate spaces to members of the opposite biological sex. There are already several school districts and individual schools that have passed these policies, including Manhattan and Olathe. Shawnee is even now looking into passing such a policy. These policies also coerce teachers’ and students’ speech by mandating that they use a pronoun that disagrees with the God-given biological sex of the person.
This is an alarming trend because parents often have little-to-no input in these decisions. We know of stories of young girls who refuse to use locker rooms or bathrooms at school because they do not want to be forced to share intimate space with a biological male. In some states, these policies are even coming from the state Department of Education where SOGI policies require that students learn gay, lesbian, and transgender ideology in their classroom. This can occur not just in a sex-ed class but also in Social Studies, History, English and other subjects.
Fortunately, neither of these policies has been implemented statewide in Kansas yet, but we all need to be alert in case Governor Kelly’s activist administration chooses to assert its will in this way. It is important that parents have conversations with their kids about these topics so that if they come up in the classroom, they know to alert you.
One final way these policies are impacting schools is in athletics. Many schools are forcing girls to compete against biological males in their sports. Allowing biological men to perform in girls’ sports unfairly puts biological girls at a competitive disadvantage. The size, strength, bone structure, lung volume, and heart blood-pumping capacity of the average male far outpaces even the most elite female athletes, even after the biological male undergoes hormone therapy.
Allowing biological boys to participate in girls’ sports deprives our girls of opportunities for making teams, winning victories, and earning scholarships. Biological boys are already beginning to win athletic championships in many states. Girls across the country are being cheated out of titles that are properly theirs by boys claiming to be girls.
A helpful tool on this issue is our Parent Resource Guide to help you understand what is going on in schools. You can download the full document here.
On a positive note, Kansans are successfully pushing back on this radical LGBTQ agenda! This was evidenced Tuesday night by the fact that the one of largest cities in Johnson County, Olathe – a city under increasing pressure to pass a SOGI – rejected two candidates who support SOGI in favor of two candidates who agree with our values as Kansans.
We also saw major victories in the Shawnee city council races. Victories in these cities show the rest of the state that most Kansans do not support these policies being pushed through the city councils.
Your support helped make these victories possible. Kansas Family Voice of Kansas voter guides, mailers and digital ads were critical to informing voters about where the candidates stood. Thank you for your financial support that makes all of this work possible!
Standing for the freedom of ALL Kansans,
Brittany Jones, Esq.
Director of Advocacy