Christmas is a time of reflection. Unfortunately, its often so busy for many of us that our Savior’s birth can sometimes take a backseat to all the other trappings of the season. I have to admit, with the 2019 legislative session quickly approaching, it’s easy to be fixated on things such as bills and legislative calendars, other than the “reason for the season”.

I would remind all of us that it’s all about Christmas. Without our Savior’s birth, none of what you or I do would have meaning. When Kansas Family Voice of North Dakota® advances pro-life and pro-family bills on your behalf, it’s because Christ was born in a manager and our mandate as Christians is to act on our faith. When you and I elect candidates who uphold biblical values, as we did to great effect last month, it’s because we are upholding the Christian values upon which this great country was founded – beliefs that only have their meaning in the Christ child. We will hopefully have many reasons to celebrate our successes protecting biblical values in 2019, but let’s remember that what happened over 2,000 years ago in Bethlehem provides the reason for our entire lives, including our work in the policy arena.

The new year represents an opportunity. An opportunity to be obedient and represent values embodied in our faith. An opportunity to show Christ’s love to those who may disagree with us. An opportunity to make a difference in a fallen world. Let’s not squander those opportunities.

May God bless you and your family this Christmas season as we celebrate our Lord’s birth. From Kansas Family Voice of North Dakota and our own family, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Mark Jorritsma
President and Executive Director


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