As I am sure you are all aware, election day is just next week. People often ask why they need to vote in a midterm election. Well the answer is really quite simple – as Christians we are commanded “to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s”. Further in Daniel it says, “the people who know their God will stand firm and take action”. In a democratic-republic that doesn’t just mean paying taxes, it also means taking part in our society by voting values our and speaking up for truth. On our election page you can peruse our Christian Voter Guide, which gives a basic frame work how Christians should think about elections.

If you haven’t heard by now, this midterm election is one of the most important in our nation’s history across the country. There are many important topics on your ballot that effect your family now and in the future. If you need information about how your legislators have voted on important pro-family issues in the last legislative session you can view our Legislative Scorecard. Take your time, do your research, and vote.

Join me in praying for our country on Tuesday. Pray that Christians will live confident in the God they serve and will take action. Pray that the men and women that will promote Christian principles will prevail. But don’t forget to do your part, because your part truly matters. This Tuesday we want to move the ball closer to an Idaho where God is honored, religious liberty flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.


Excited for Tuesday,

Brittany Jones
Policy Director


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