Dear Friends,

In the legendary film Patton, the iconic American general looks out over a field of battle. His troops have just defeated the formidable German General Erwin “the Desert Fox” Rommel in Tunisia. Patton growls to himself with a smile, “Rommel… I read your book!”

The quote is fictitious, but it illustrates a valuable lesson: If you want to win, understand your opponent.

Recently, The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), one of the nation’s largest progressive activist organizations, released its State Equality Index. In their description, it’s a “review of state legislation affecting the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community and a look ahead in 2017.”

Not surprisingly, HRC is not pleased with Kansas. What is most interesting is the list of policies HRC considers “good bills” and “bad bills” that have yet to be introduced or passed. This is their “book”; it’s their Battle Plan.

For example, HRC’s scorecard notes that Kansas has yet to pass “Religious Exemptions for Professional Training/Practice.” What does that mean? It means HRC opposes conscience protections for students pursuing professional counseling who can’t affirm same-sex behavior, or medical students whose values forbid them from being trained to perform abortions.

Here’s another on the list: “Laws permitting discrimination in adoption/foster placement.” What does that mean? It means HRC opposes legislation that would allow faith-based adoption and foster-care placement agencies to contract with the state in child placement if they decline to place children with same-sex or single-parent families.

There’s more and I encourage you to check out the full report for yourself. For now, rest assured that Kansas Family Voice of Kansas has “read their book” and is equipped to win in 2017 and beyond.


Eric Teetsel

TAKE ACTION: If you want to help us in the fight, consider making a gift to Kansas Family Voice of Kansas today. Thank you!



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