Dear Friends,

I need your help.

As I’ve shared in the past, one of the most encouraging stories each year is the faithful generosity of local ministry partners like you.

As with many nonprofits, COVID impacted our giving in the Spring. Nevertheless, we are finally starting to regain some ground to meet our fundraising target for the fiscal year ending September 30. Entering the month of July, we had $40,000 left to raise. However, this funding is unique. It will allow us to use it for the various election races we want to support around the state.

Will you help us raise the remaining $40,000 today?

If you have not yet given this year, or if you have and would like to further help us reach this goal, I invite you to do so by becoming a monthly Ministry Partner or by making a one-time gift of $100, $500, or $1,000.

Please give today and help us preserve a culture of faith, family, and freedom in our state by electing the right men and women into office this November!

With gratitude,

Mark Jorritsma
President and Executive Director


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