Dear Friends—

I have some great news! Our pro-life candidates are performing extremely well in their races and with your help, we can take them over the top!

This year, we made it easy for voters to know who our pro-life candidates are with the release of our Election 2020 Pro-Life Candidate Slate. This nonpartisan resource covers races for the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House, the New Mexico Senate, and the New Mexico House. And with absentee and early voting now underway, we need your help to get it in the hands of more voters!

We know that an overwhelming majority of New Mexicans oppose dangerous third-trimester abortions up to the moment of birth and infanticide, but they may not know where the candidates stand on these issues. Therefore, I am asking you to do one thing on behalf of the pro-life movement this week.

Please forward this email to 10 family members, friends, or co-workers, and encourage them to support the life-affirming candidates on this slate.

With less than three weeks until election day, we must finish strong. If everyone receiving this email forwards it to 10 people, we will literally reach tens of thousands of voters – many of whom may still be undecided in these key Congressional and Legislative races.

So please take 2 minutes and forward this email today. 

 On to victory!

Vince Torres
President & Executive Director


Paid for by Kansas Family Voice of New Mexico


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