Yesterday, Value Them Both passed out of the Senate 28 to 11! This is a huge victory for every Kansan who believes that unlimited abortion is harmful for women, babies, and our state as a whole. Yesterday, 28 senators stood to protect the life-saving laws that place basic regulations on the abortion industry.

A special thanks to Sens. Molly Baumgardner, Kellie Warren, and Renee Erickson who carried the bulk of the bill on the floor. We are also thankful for the leadership of Senate President Ty Masterson, Majority Leader Gene Suellentrop, and Vice-President of the Senate Rick Wilborn.

Please take a moment to thank every Senator and House member who voted for this important amendment! It’s easy on our action center!

What happens next?

Now Value Them Both goes to your ballot. You will see this on your August 2022 ballot.

Getting Value Them Both across the line will take all of us working together. Here are some ways you can get involved:

  • Register to vote
  • Sign up to volunteer
  • Ask us to speak at your church or at a civic group

Yesterday was a huge day for the dignity of every person in Kansas! We are so thankful for you partnering with us up to this point and we look forward to you partnering with you going forward so that every life is cherished.

Together we can value them both in Kansas,

Brittany Jones, Esq.
Advocacy Director


We have the right, privilege and obligation to speak into every aspect of our government. Our Action Center makes it easy for you to do that.

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