Dear Friends:

I am thrilled to announce that we will once again be participating in the Family Policy Foundation Statesmen Academy, and we need your help to send FOUR New Mexicans!

The 2019 Statesmen Academy will be an intensive week of training for on-the-rise Christian legislators and aspiring policymakers. This annual conference is a pivotal part of our strategy to build a coalition of pro-life, pro-family, and pro-religious freedom advocates locally and across the nation, and New Mexico has been given FOUR spots to fill this year.

The cost for the conference is substantial and I am asking you to consider helping us fund this exciting effort by making a generous contribution TODAY.

Please note, your gift today is tax deductible and it will help send FOUR New Mexicans to Atlanta this summer to join other legislators and leaders from across the country.

Participation in the Statesmen Academy is a huge honor for our state, so thank you in advance for your support!


Vince Torres
President and Executive Director


DID YOU KNOW that THREE Statesmen Academy Alumni are currently serving in the New Mexico Legislature?

State Rep. David Gallegos
Statesmen Academy Class of 2017

State Rep. Rebecca Dow
Statesmen Academy Class of 2018

State Rep. Rod Montoya
Statesmen Academy Class of 2018


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