The issues surrounding the November election have never been clearer. Justice Ginsberg’s passing just 46 day before the election (one event that no political party could control or predict) has only heightened the importance of this election and what happens in the weeks leading up to it.

In the last several generations we’ve seen activist courts block good legislation and insert their desired policy goals into the Constitution. This has meant that women considering abortion have been denied the protection and benefit of numerous health and safety provisions because the Court created their own laws. It has meant that the integrity of the family has been slowly eroded. It has meant that our first amendment religious freedom rights have been relegated to the role of an exception rather than a rule.

This all could change with the addition of another justice who believes in, and works to defend, the original meaning of our Constitution.

That is why it is so important for our sitting Senators to do their Constitutionally mandated job and to consider the President’s nominations for vacant Court seats.

The Senate would be following its own example by confirming a new Supreme Court Justice before the end of 2020. In fact, the Senate has confirmed Supreme Court nominees 17 times in Presidential election years, when the president and Senate majority were in the same party. There is nothing out of the ordinary about what Senator Majority Leader McConnell has proposed.

Our current Kansas Senators have already pledged their support for the nomination and confirmation process. However, they are receiving intense pressure from the Left to cave to its political whims.

It’s imperative that they hear from you TODAY! Take a moment sign our petition to Senators Roberts and Moran and encourage them to continue to support the process. It’s easy in our action center.

The Left is pulling out all the stops to block this nomination because the last thing they want is to lose their ability to pass their policy agenda through an activist court. We can’t let this happen. The issues before the Court are too important this term. It’s time to take a stand and #filltheseat.

For life,

Brittany Jones
Director of Advocacy


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