While the votes are still being counted across the country, the results in Kansas are clear – we are watching a conservative takeover! Here are just a few highlights from our viewpoint:

Statewide victories

  • The biggest victory for every Kansan is ensuring that we keep the supermajority. This means we can PASSValue Them Both and stop Governor Kelly’s overreach into our God-given freedoms.
  • The people of Kansas proved once again that their vote cannot be bought as they elected Roger Marshall to the U.S. Senate despite being outspent by $10 million. We produced a viral video exposing Barbara Bollier for her radical stances on religious freedom – helping Roger Marshall win a clear victory.
  • Kansans defended all three U.S. House seats that were held by Conservatives. Congratulations to Jake LaTurner and Tracey Mann for winning their elections and to Ron Estes for winning re-election to Congress!
  • At the last minute, Governor Kelly poured thousands of dollars into several key senate races trying to defeat pro-life, pro-family candidates. We responded. AND we were VICTORIOUS.
  • We are able to protect all six Statesmen Alumna.
  • Conservatives were outspent by enormous amounts statewide, yet we proved once again that Kansans cannot be tricked out of voting their values.

Individual state races

  • Victory for Renee Erickson in a tight Senate race! Renee Erickson was targeted by the Governor and outside liberal forces. We knocked on thousands of doors, sent multiple mailers, placed digital ads, and sent text messages into Senate District 30 ensuring that Renee Erickson got across the line. Renee is a Statesmen Academy alumna and has been a key conservative leader for life, families, school choice, and religious freedom in the House. We know she will continue to fight for these things in the Senate.
  • Mike Petersen defeated a liberal House member by a double-digit margin! We sent mailers, paid for digital ads, and sent text messages to help ensure pro-life champion Mike Petersen returns to the Senate beating pro-abortion, anti-religious freedom candidate, Jim Ward, by 10% points.
  • Barb Wasinger achieved overwhelming victory! We sent mailers and engaged in digital advocacy to help Statesmen Academy alumna, Barb Wasinger, achieve an overwhelming victory in Hays. She went from winning by a very close margin in 2018 to winning 64% to 36% in 2020.
  • Rick Kloos defeated the Senate Minority Leader! We engaged in helping Rick Kloos defeat the Senate Minority Leader Anthony Hensley – a 44-year incumbent. This is a huge pick up for the Senate and will be a huge shift in the makeup of the Senate.
  • Kansans flipped seats to protect life in the House! We sent mail and walked door to door to flip House District 72 to ensure pro-life Avery Anderson defeated Tim Hodge.
  • We engaged in both the general and the primary to ensure that Mike Thompson and Kellie Warren are Senators from Johnson County.

Now we begin the job of preparing for the legislative session – this means making sure that pro-family bills are lined up and that conservatives are leading in both the House and the Senate. We have the conservative majorities we need to get Value Them Both across the line. Our friends in Louisiana passed the same constitutional amendment last night – WE ARE NEXT!

Congratulations to all of these candidates (and many more across the state) – we look forward to working together for a Kansas where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, life is cherished, and families thrive!

For the Glory of God,

Brittany Jones, Esq.
Director of Advocacy

P.S. As we prepare for this session, would you consider joining with us through a generous gift to help us advance pro-family policies in Kansas?



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