On Friday, the Colorado Legislature finished the 2019 session, but not before passing three more bills that undermine the family. The bills are on their way to Gov. Polis, so we are asking to you to speak up to him right away!
Here are the three bills:
- HB 1032 is the radical sex-ed bill that we’ve been telling you about and that you may have taken action on. The legislature added a few amendments that are mostly just window dressing. Nearly every problem that we’ve told you about still exists, including requiring that children be taught about the medical means of gender transition, such as cross-sex hormones, drugs that stop the natural onset of puberty, and even irreversible sex-change operations.
- HB 1120 allows kids as young as 12 to get mental health treatment without parental knowledge, permission or involvement. This undermines parents and encourages the hiding of dangerous activities that parents should be aware of.
- HB 1192 creates a new graduation requirement for Colorado public school students – that they learn about the “history, culture and social contributions” of “lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals.” This pushes the LGBT agenda on our kids, and it sexualizes historical teaching.
As you may be aware, Gov. Polis has a history of radical, LGBT activism. However, regardless of what he is likely to do with these bills, it’s critical that he hears from thousands of Coloradans who oppose them. Without strong opposition from Coloradans, he will likely feel that he has a license to push even harder next year.
Here’s what you can do:
- Send him an email on these three bills with just a click at our Action Center.
- Call his office at (303) 866-2471 and politely ask him to veto House Bills 1032, 1120 and 1192.
- Please pass the word and rally other Colorado folks to do the same!
Thank you for speaking up and standing strong!
The Kansas Family Voice Team