I want to share with you another story of a baby boy who was saved because his mother found out that the chemical abortion she started could be reversed. This story is told by the doctor who helped her. It is something abortion clinics do not want the public to know, but there are over 1,000 healthy babies across the nation who are a testament that abortion reversal works.

Please help us spread these stories about mothers who now have precious little ones. Only by knowing the truth and telling others can we save more children!



Juanita had been nauseous to the verge of vomiting, and she suspected she was pregnant. And yet she wondered: should I tell my husband? They already had three children under the age of 7, and she was concerned about how another would put even more strain on their family. After all, her husband was already working extra hours to make ends meet. Her fears were confirmed by the appearance of an extra blue line on the pregnancy test. Juanita had seen a billboard from Planned Parenthood that offered assistance with unplanned pregnancies. She decided to schedule a visit. At the facility, an ultrasound confirmed that she was six-weeks pregnant.

The abortion assistant explained the procedure for a chemical abortion. She was to take a single abortion pill (RU-486 or mifepristone) and follow it the next day with four other tablets (misoprostol).The clinic staff told Juanita that the side effects of misoprostol were limited to mild cramping and bleeding. She was skeptical about how the side effects were minimized, but felt like she had to end her pregnancy. She swallowed the first pill quickly. She placed the envelope with the other four pills in her purse, which she would take the next day. A change of heart gripped Juanita almost immediately, so she told her husband as soon as she got home. Her husband had seemed excited that she was pregnant and was disappointed to learn she had gone to Planned Parenthood. Juanita felt awful. She desperately wished she could somehow turn back the clock. She called Planned Parenthood about reversing the effects of the pill she had taken. They told her there was nothing they could do. Her mood changed from regret to anguish. “Lord help me”, Juanita prayed silently. There must be a way.

She Googled “abortion reversal” and found Abortion Pill Rescue (AbortionPillReversal.com). The website offered her the assistance she was told wasn’t possible, along with a toll-free, 24-hour phone number. Juanita called, and within 20 minutes my cell phone vibrated my pocket. Kelly, one of hundreds of volunteer nurses in the Abortion Pill Reversal Network, quickly conveyed the key details of Juanita’s story, her phone number and when she’d taken the first abortion pill.

I phoned Juanita and told her that I was one of the network’s physicians. I confirmed the facts of her situation, reviewed her medical history, and asked additional questions. Then I explained the reversal process, arranged for her to obtain the medication she needed at her pharmacy, and set a time to meet with her at my office. I saw Juanita and her husband a few days later. While she had experienced some light spotting and cramping, a bedside ultrasound confirmed her baby’s heartbeat as well as fetal movement. She decided to continue prenatal care with me in my practice and she successfully delivered a healthy baby boy.[/text-box]

If you are an expectant mother and have taken the first chemical abortion dose, you can go to the national abortion pill reversal website AbortionPillReversal.com or call 877-558-0333 to get immediate help on potentially reversing your chemical abortion!

Over 1,000 babies have already been saved through chemical abortion reversal in the U.S.

For Life,

Mark Jorritsma
President and Executive Director



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