We North Dakotans know that we live in a “red state” – and one might expect that our pro-life and pro-family values are represented in Congress. But that is not always the case.

While some of our elected officials have ignored the values of North Dakotans, Congressman Kevin Cramer has thankfully not forgotten us. Because of his commitment to fighting for our values in Washington, Kansas Family Voice of North Dakota is proud to endorse Kevin Cramer for the U.S. Senate.

Since his election in 2012, Rep. Cramer has been the pro-family leader we hoped he would be. More than simply a reliable vote, Congressman Cramer has established himself as a leader in the movement and a true champion. In his words, “The people of our state have given me a great privilege by allowing me to serve God by serving them .” 

Congressman Cramer has also been genuinely concerned about representing North Dakotans, as evidenced by his in-state “town hall meetings” he has held for years. He truly wants to hear from us and cares about the values we hold dear. He uses the forums as one way to ensure that he is representing us to the best of his ability.

Leaders like Congressman Cramer are rare, and our state has been profoundly blessed by his leadership. He stands out, and we are honored to stand with him as he runs for the U.S. Senate. Let’s elect Kevin Cramer and send a signal that those who stand on principle will be rewarded at the ballot box. Let’s work to deliver a resounding victory for Kevin Cramer!

Paid for by Kansas Family Voice of North Dakota


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