Kansas Family Voice of Kansas is proud to announce its endorsement of Renee Erickson for Kansas Senate in District 30.

Renee has spent her life serving our children and our state. As a former high school teacher and principal, she is a strong believer in ensuring that every child has the opportunity to learn in the way that is best suited to them. She has continued this commitment as a legislator as she has fought to protect the free speech and religious freedom rights of students across our state and fought for the ability of parents to provide the most opportunity for their kids.

She has been on the front lines of fighting for Kansas children in the womb as well. As the Governor and the Kansas Supreme Court have done everything they can to remove important protections for life in Kansas – Renee has fought back. She has powerfully defended life on the House floor as a State Representative – pointing out the inherent irony that our state legislature is allowed to protect the life of an animal in the womb, while under current Supreme Court precedent that same law protecting a human baby in the womb would likely be unconstitutional. This district has been represented by a strong, conservative, pro-life woman for the last twenty-five years. Renee will carry on this tradition.

Renee does not just stand on the sidelines and passively hope good things will happen. She is one of the hardest workers I know in Topeka, and she is constantly strategizing ways to push back against forces that are seeking to undo our Kansas values. She truly cares about the direction of our state – she wants to see our families and our children thrive. She has been a fantastic state representative and we believe she will make an even better state senator. This is why we are proud to endorse Renee Erickson for Senate District 30.

For Kansas,

Brittany Jones, Esq.
Director of Advocacy


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