Fellow North Dakotans,

The House Human Services Committee is currently considering a bill that would allow assisted suicide here in North Dakota. We need your help in letting them know you’d like them to not pass this horrible legislation. 

House Bill 1415 would allow physicians to prescribe killing drugs to those who want to end their lives. Aside from the enormous moral and ethical problems with this legislation, it has other major flaws and loopholes, creating a mess of our state’s medical treatment of those with terminal illnesses.

Kansas Family Voice of North Dakota firmly believes that every person is valued and worth fighting for, because every person is made and loved by God. None of us knows the moment we will die, but we are all worthy of love, respect and compassion every moment we live. I can guarantee no one will regret spending more time with those they love, walking with them during some of their most difficult days for the sake of every moment together. We all wish we had more time, but the best thing we can do with the time given to us is spend it in service and love to those our lives touch.

If you want to make sure this bill is not passed and ensure it is voted out of committee with a “DO NOT PASS”, you can send a message to all the members of the House Human Services Committee, urging them to support natural end of life. This bill is incredibly troubling and your help in defeating it is critical.

Now is the time to stand for all of life!

Mark Jorritsma
President and Executive Director


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