It’s a busy week in Topeka. One bill that is getting a lot of emphasis is the expansion of the Student Tax Credit Scholarship and we need your help to get it passed. This program has given hundreds of students an opportunity for a better education.

This is an existing program that allows taxpayers to get a tax credit for donating to a Scholarship Granting Organization. These organizations then provide scholarships to kids who come from low-income families and come from the lowest performing schools.

The expansion of the program will allow even more students into the program by broadening which families qualify based on income and what schools they attend. This will allow more students to receive the benefit of this program and use private funds that are already being held by the scholarship granting organizations.

This is a simple way to help low-income families and kids. Why wouldn’t we want to invest in our kids through this simple program? A better education is a pathway for many of these kids to invest in our communities and economies in the future.

Ask your Senator to support the Student Tax Credit Scholarship. It’s easy on our action center. S.B. 61 will heard on the Senate floor tomorrow.

Contact your Senator today!

So all kids thrive,

Brittany Jones, Esq.
Director of Advocacy


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