After being fast-tracked through the House of Representatives, HB 51—the most radical pro-abortion bill in the country—is now headed to the Senate. The Senate is our last chance to defeat this bill before it gets to the Governor, so we need you to contact your Senator now and urge them to oppose HB 51.

Once again, we have made it simple to communicate this request. Simply click here and you can send a message to your Senator in 30 seconds!

After you have sent the message through our Action Center, please call your Senator and leave the same message.

And finally, please forward or share this message with friends. It is important that the Senators hear from as many people as possible.


  • Puts all risk of an abortion on women’s shoulders by stripping legal protections, including a consent requirement;
  • Strips away a conscience clause which protects doctors and medical professionals from being forced to participate in an abortion;
  • Strips away the requirement that only licensed physicians can perform abortions;
  • Keeps dangerous late-term abortions, up to birth, legal for any reason; and
  • Gives the abortion industry free rein to operate under the radar in New Mexico.

HB 51 is wrong for New Mexico! So please contact your Senator now and urge them to oppose HB 51.

Thank you for making your voice heard!

The Kansas Family Voice of New Mexico Team



We have the right, privilege and obligation to speak into every aspect of our government. Our Action Center makes it easy for you to do that.

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