Abortion Reversal is Real! Hundreds of healthy babies have been saved, even though their mothers took the first chemical abortion pill. There are countless stories of mothers regretting a chemical abortion as soon as they took the first pill, but the great news is that there is hope for these mothers. Here are another couple of those stories Planned Parenthood and abortion clinics do not want told.

Autumn and Walker

Autumn was a 25-year-old single mom. She took the first pill because she felt incapable of financially supporting another child. However, she quickly changed her mind and used a pill reversal kit. Several months later, her son Walker was born healthy. “He was perfect, and he was a miracle”“When they laid him on my chest and I heard him scream for the first time, that was the happiest moment of my life.”

Ashley and Kaylie

Because of pressure from her boyfriend, 20-year-old Ashley took the first abortion pill. When she asked the clinic if she could reverse it, the abortionist told her that the baby would likely die or be born with defects. Nevertheless, Ashley looked for help to reverse the abortion pill, and became possibly the first woman to use progesterone (a pregnancy hormone) to reverse the effects of mifepristone, the abortion pill. Her daughter Kaylie, who was born at full term and with no birth defects, is now almost in high school.


These are just two more of the many stories across America, including right here in North Dakota, showing how children were given life, not death. Please pray that expectant mothers will hear this news and make the right decision.

If you are an expectant mother and have taken the first chemical abortion dose, you can go to the national abortion pill reversal website AbortionPillReversal.com or call 877-558-0333 to get immediate help on potentially reversing your chemical abortion!

Over 1,000 babies have already been saved through chemical abortion reversal in the U.S.

For life,

Mark Jorritsma
President and Executive Director


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