Dear Friends:

On Tuesday, our state government leaders gathered at the State Capitol in Santa Fe to begin the 2019 Legislative Session. The decisions made over the next two months will likely impact New Mexico families for generations to come, and, as Christians, we have a responsibility to pray for our leaders and ask the Lord to guide them in their decision making.

In 1 Timothy 2:1-4, the Apostle Paul says, “I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior…”

As a Christian organization, we believe in the power of prayer. Therefore, from today through March 16, I am asking you to pray daily for our elected officials while they are in Legislative Session. Please feel free to use the following prayer points if you wish.

  1. Pray for them by name.

Pray for Governor Michelle Lujan-Grisham
Pray for Lt. Governor Howie Morales (President of the Senate)
Pray for Senator Mary Kay Papen (President Pro-Tempore of the Senate)
Pray for Representative Brian Egolf (Speaker of the House of Representatives)
Pray for your State Senator*
Pray for your State Representative*

*If you do not know the name of your State Senator and/or Representative, click here to find out.

  1. Pray for their health. Long and grueling hours combined with a high-stressed environment can wreak havoc on the body. Please pray that our officials experience and maintain good health throughout the Legislative Session.
  1. Pray for their families. Over the next two months, the majority of our officials will spend most of their time away from their families. Please pray for their family members during this time, especially their spouses and children.
  1. Pray for their decisions. Every legislator will cast numerous votes on hundreds of bills covering a multitude of issues. Meanwhile, the Governor will consider every bill passed before deciding whether to sign or veto them. Please pray that our legislators and the Governor would execute their duties with fairness and wisdom, and, in accordance with Micah 6:8—that they would do what is good in the eyes of God; that they would act justly and with kindness; and that they would serve with humility.

 Thank you for heeding this call to prayer. May the good Lord hear our prayers and bless our efforts, for His glory and the benefit of our state!

In the Lord’s service,

Vince Torres
President and Executive Director


Heavenly Father—we come before You and we lift up our elected leaders in New Mexico, especially our new Governor, Michelle Lujan-Grisham. During this time of serious and often difficult decision making, we pray that You would restore a spirit of cooperation and civility in the hearts of those called to lead our state. Please give them good health, wisdom, humility, discernment, empathy, and a willingness to put the good of our people above politics. Protect them and their families from harm and unrighteousness scrutiny, and give them boldness to stand for righteousness, even when it will not be popular or well-received. This we pray in the Name of Jesus. Amen.


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