Most families are preparing for their kids to go back to school. This year seems fraught with even more issues than normal, especially as local school boards are taking more and more power away from parents under the guise of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Whether you agree with the decisions the boards are making about mask mandates, etc., they are pitting the government’s regulatory power over children in schools against parent’s duty to raise their children. This is setting up a serious showdown between parents and government entities. This is one reason our organization is such a strong advocated for educational freedom for families.

In the midst of all of these Pandemic related questions, there are a host of other areas in which the education system has sought to impose their ideology on our kids. The Kansas Family Voice Team wants to be here to equip you with information and tools to help you raise your kids to love and serve the Lord. Here are some reminders of questions you can be asking your school or school board:
- Ask whether your school has a “diversity, equity, and inclusion” policy. If it does you can ask to see a copy of it and ask what measures are taken to implement it and what that looks like in the classroom. Often times these policies are actually pushing both critical race and gender theory.
- You have a legal right to review curriculum. If you are concerned about something that is being taught, don’t be afraid to ask to see the material.
- Ask whether your daughter’s right to fairplay is protected under the school’s athletic policy.
- Ask about your school’s sex education policy and curriculum.
These are also good topics to ask potential school board candidates. You hopefully will be interacting with these candidates more and more as we approach the general election this fall. If we’ve learned nothing else over the last year and a half – local elected officials matter!
Most importantly know that everyone at Kansas Family Voice is praying for you as you engage in the hard and holy work of raising children in this current age.