A California legislative committee is about to consider a bill that has truly stunned observers around the country.  Will you join a rising chorus of voices who are speaking out to stop it?

Assembly Bill 2943 essentially outlaws ANY communication that is seen as an attempt to influence someone away from transgenderism or homosexuality – if such communication involves any kind of financial transaction.

What would California look like if AB 2943 passes?

  • A therapist or pastoral counselor could be prosecuted for helping a 20-year-old who is struggling with her gender and pays for counseling to help her accept her God-given birth sex.
  • A Christian college could face punishment if a professor teaches about God’s design for sexuality.
  • Even a Christian bookstore owner or non-profit ministry that sells a book that contains similar messaging could face the long arm of the law.

As an organization with deep California roots, Kansas Family Voice is thankful that Californians are speaking up against AB 2943!  Will you join them?

Here’s what you can do:

Thank you for making your voice heard!

The Kansas Family Voice Team


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