Kansas Family Voice partnered with an unlikely ally to protect the privacy and safety of women – a self-described radical feminist group called Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF). Together, Kansas Family Voice and WoLF filed a friend-of-the-court brief with the Supreme Court in the Gloucester case. The main issue in this case is whether the Obama Administration’s Title IX “bathroom mandate” should be enforced. Last year, the Obama Administration issues a letter declaring that public schools were at risk of losing federal funding unless they permit men and boys (who self-identify as female) to access girls’ locker rooms, showers and bathrooms. The Obama Administration ironically claimed the authority to do this through Title IX, the statute that ensures equal access to educational opportunity for women.

Kansas Family Voice and WoLF worked to persuade the Court that this bathroom mandate is dangerous – threatening the privacy and safety of women and girls. Even more shocking, the mandate could erase women from the law. After all, if the term “woman” means anyone who claims to be or feels like a woman, then the term no longer means anything.

We hope that the Court will see that when a Christian, family-centered group teams up with a radical feminist group, there must be something terribly wrong in need of the Court’s fixing! In fact, our unlikely partnership already has people talking – Tucker Carlson Tonight hosted WoLF on the show to talk about their work with Kansas Family Voice and the Gloucester case!

President Trump has rolled back the Obama Administration’s dangerous interpretation of Title IX, so the Supreme Court sent the Gloucester case back to the lower federal court for further consideration. This case will be ongoing for at least the next year.


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