Urgent Update: Sen. Heitkamp Says She’s Voting NO on Kavanaugh. Last Chance to Call!

The long-awaited vote to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh is finally about to happen. In case you haven’t heard, Sen. Heidi Heitkamp just announced that she plans to vote NO. Will you call her office today and respectfully ask her to reverse her position and vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh?

Her D.C. number is (202) 224-2043. If you can’t get through or would like to call additional offices, here are numbers to her in-state offices:  Bismarck: (701) 258-4648; Dickinson: (701) 225-0974; Fargo: (701) 232-8030; Grand Forks: (701) 775-9601; Minot: (701) 852-0703

In addition to calling (most important), please also send a quick message by email here, even if you have done so before.

The attacks on Judge Kavanaugh have been unprecedented and – as the FBI interviews reportedly confirm – unfounded. The Left opposes him for ideological reasons and for his demonstrated commitment to the Constitution. With votes likely starting tomorrow, it’s critical that the rest of us speak up, too.  Thanks for speaking up and spreading the word!

What comes to mind when you hear the phrase, “tell me a story”? For me, it’s the tune of Children’s Bible Hour and their theme song. “Tell me a story, tell me a story, tell me a story Aunt B…”. I loved listening to their Saturday night radio program that came on right around bath time. I still have fond memories of learning how to be a Christian right where I was: in school, home, church, playing with friends, etc. One brief story can be far more impactful than many words trying to convey the same point. But stories have their limitations.

For the past few weeks, stories have been the top headlines; specifically, the accounts/stories told by Judge Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford. As is often true, both of their stories have been impactful. They have each told very different stories of events that happened decades ago. Unfortunately, a seat on the Supreme Court has been focused largely on these stories.

Stories are told from a point of view, but what really matters in proceedings such as this are the facts: what is verifiable, can be proven to be true, and can be substantiated by witnesses. Facts are much more elusive than what you find in stories. It is my hope and prayer that the U.S. Senate will base their up or down vote on Judge Kavanaugh on confirmed facts.

Not unlike these confirmation hearings, we hear stories everyday about North Dakota candidates running for office this fall. Their stories are interesting, but I ask you to look at the facts. What are the facts concerning a candidate? What does their voting record show? How have they acted in the past that provides a factual account of where their priorities lie?

For example, has the candidate told you a story about how they values women’s lives, but the facts show they’ve supported the killing of thousands of baby girls? Has the candidate said they represent North Dakotans, but the facts say otherwise, with huge political campaign contributions from out of state? When a candidate says they “will keep fighting to keep our communities strong and safe”, but votes for laws that would ultimately allow men in your daughter’s locker room, the facts speak for themselves.

When you enter the voting booth on November 6, I trust you will vote on the facts. Stories are great, but when the future of your state and country hang in the balance, facts are what matter most.


Mark Jorritsma
President and Executive Director



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