As you are probably aware, our North Dakota legislature is not currently in session, unlike many others around the country.  Our state’s legislative session occurs every other year, with the last one concluding in 2017 and the next one beginning in January of 2019.  You trust us to represent your family values within the legislative process, which we certainly do, but I get asked regularly what Kansas Family Voice of North Dakota is doing now, between sessions. Let me summarize some of our most important ongoing work on your behalf.

Elections: We research candidates’ qualifications and support of family values on the state and Congressional levels. Based on this research, we endorse and provide guidance on which candidates best uphold your beliefs.

Policy: We strategize on bills and other policy options to advance your biblical values on these types of key issues, and many more.

  • Abortion
  • Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity
  • Sex Change Procedures/Hormones
  • Human Sex Trafficking
  • Homeschooling and Private Schooling Financial Support (e.g., Educational Savings Accounts, Tax Credits)
  • Parental Notification in Schools on Privacy Issues
  • Assisted Suicide
  • Palliative Care

Relationships: Between sessions is a great time for us to strengthen relationships with you, our ministry partners, and state legislators, as well as develop relationships with new ministry partners. We also spend significant time forging relationships with the business and church communities, determining how we can best work together to advance biblical family values.

Banquet: We spend considerable time undertaking banquet planning. Banquets help us financially support our organization, inform ministry partners about our past wins and plans for the future. Banquets are also an opportunity to inspire attendees to exercise their biblical citizenship.

Fundraising: We are completely funded by generous donations from you, our financial supporters, so time is spent raising operating funds to keep Kansas Family Voice of North Dakota financially stable and able to carry out its mission.

As this brief summary highlights, Kansas Family Voice of North Dakota is involved in many activities and represents you on a wide variety of family issues – something that gives us a unique and comprehensive perspective.  Further, we have the ability to learn from the knowledge and experience of over 40 other state organizations like ours.

I want to thank you for allowing us to represent you year-round in many ways.  We will continue to be your voice on the comprehensive set of issues that affects your deeply held family values!


Mark Jorritsma
President and Executive Director

P.S.  We are currently taking reservations for our Fargo Dessert Banquet to be held at the Hilton Garden Inn on April 10.  You should have received a mailed invitation by now, but you can also register online at FPA-ND Fargo Banquet RSVP.  We hope to see you there!



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