Happy New Year!

As you may remember, the title my last email was The End of a Beginning. What you may not know is that the title was part of a quote by Sir Winston Churchill. I want to start this year’s “new beginning” with another of his quotes. He said, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.”

I like this quote for several reasons. First, it reminds us that despite our wins, we cannot give up – we need to strive for continued successes, with God’s blessing. This is exactly what Kansas Family Voice of North Dakota is committed to. We are strategizing even now for how to create wins for North Dakota families regarding elections, local policy issues, the 2019 legislative session, and in many other ways.

The quote also emphasizes that failure is not final. Sometimes it’s easy to get discouraged when policy votes/issues don’t go our way. However, we cannot let failures stop us or slow us down. We know that the fight for pro-family and pro-life issues is too important to you to ever give up. While Kansas Family Voice of North Dakota doesn’t always win every fight, I can assure you we will always be part of the battle on behalf of Biblical values.

Finally, Churchill highlights “courage to continue that counts”. Indeed, this statement rings true. Kansas Family Voice of North Dakota fights with courage for our shared values, because we know we are in the right and we are protecting our deeply held Christian beliefs. We know you courageously fight with us, and for that we are immensely grateful.

Thank you for all your support in 2017 and your continued support of our shared mission in 2018! Your prayers, policy involvement, and financial support help bring about more successes, more perseverance when we encounter failures, and more courage to know that we are standing for your values.

I leave you with this additional quote by Sir Winston Churchill: “All the greatest things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom; justice; honour; duty; mercy; hope.” It is these types of principles that help drive all of us to continue the fight for Christian values here in North Dakota!


Mark Jorritsma
President and Executive Director


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