The year was 1950. A newlywed couple boarded a large ocean liner sailing from Rotterdam, The Netherlands to America. They were leaving their families behind, with no idea when they might be reunited. They stepped out in faith and, with more than just a little foreboding, made the crossing.
That young couple was my parents. After a turbulent 11 days at sea with frightening storms, they finally landed in Hoboken, New Jersey, and traveled on to Kalamazoo, MI, where they made their new home. My father, an architect, had to take a job working in a hardware store. My mother cared for their firstborn, my sister Anne. Neither knew how to speak English. Times were tough and they missed their families terribly.
My father eventually worked as an architect for over a decade and then felt called into the ministry. They were again thrust into tough circumstances. Many weeks they barely had enough money for rent, and they often had to survive off food that neighbors and friends kindly provided. After his seminary training, my father spent 35 years experiencing the highs and lows of ministry. He and our family together shouldered the emotional and physical demands the role placed on a pastor and his family.
I often wondered why my parents endured all these challenges and heartaches. When I finally had the courage to ask, my father replied, “We did it for you and your sister, so that you could have a better life and all the opportunities and freedoms that America represents.” He related that a country founded on faith and liberty was a precious gift that we should always cherish.
Both of my parents have now gone to be with their Lord, but I often think of my father’s words. They sacrificed so much for us, their children.
So, what am I called to do? I am called to make that same commitment to my children; to preserve and protect the principles upon which this great nation was founded.
That is precisely why I feel blessed to be in this role at Kansas Family Voice of North Dakota. I am able to fight to preserve a nation where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive and life is cherished. I am asking you to join me as we unleash Biblical citizenship to protect the cherished principles that have always made America a land of opportunity, freedom, and faith.
Please pray for our efforts, rally behind us to protect these principles, and give generously so that we may make a difference for the kingdom.
I know that my father is looking down and is proud of my passion for these causes. I am also certain he would be grateful to you for preserving and fighting for what is right. Remember, we are doing this for our children, as my parents did, and there is no greater tribute and legacy than that.
Mark Jorritsma
Executive Director