Dear Friends:
On behalf of our ministry, I want to thank you for your passionate engagement during the recent election. Although the outcome was not what we hoped and worked so hard for, as Christians, we can take heart in knowing that the King of Kings and Lord of Lords is still on His throne, and no election can ever mitigate His sovereign power and authority over all.
At the same time, we acknowledge that without the right leadership in place, it is difficult to advance our vision and values. It is not, however, impossible, and, quite frankly, the outcome of this election makes it clear that the efforts of Kansas Family Voice of New Mexico are needed now more than ever.
With the election over, our work for change now shifts to the Legislative Session (January 2019) and we are already busy finalizing our legislative agenda and strategy. As New Mexico’s nationally recognized family policy council (FPC), we are blessed to be part of an alliance of states actively working to impact our culture through public policy engagement. In short, now our work really begins!
Friends—the fight to protect the unborn, strengthen the family, and preserve religious freedom continues, and I believe God has raised us up “for such a time as this.” In Esther 4:14, Mordecai tells Queen Esther, “…if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
Like the words of Mordecai, I believe that if we are silent, relief and deliverance for the unborn, families, and religious liberty will come from elsewhere (i.e. the federal government and/or the courts). BUT, I also believe that New Mexico itself will perish.
On the other hand, if we speak up and act now, I know we can reverse this terminal prognosis. It won’t be easy, but then again, nothing meaningful comes easy.
So, if you are disappointed with the election results, please let me remind you that we—yes, we—are not done yet! And during the Legislative Session, when opportunities arise for us—yes, us—to speak up and make a difference, my hope is that you will make those phone calls, send those emails, and even attend those legislative hearings. Remember, no politician can single handedly run our government and elections do not signal the end of our engagement. Our vote is not the end of our voice, and now that the votes have been tallied, it’s time for us to keep the victors accountable.
Now, I haven’t personally asked for financial support much lately, but as we approach years end, I’m going to ask you a huge favor. Thanks to a generous matching grant provided by one of our local families, every dollar you give will be matched up to $25,000! So please, send a gift today and help us begin the new year on a high note.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support!
Vince Torres
President and Executive Director