Dear Friends:

After months of television and radio ads, robocalls, political signs, and constant chatter about the election, we are now in the final stretch! With less than 5 days until Election Day—Tuesday, November 6—we are rapidly approaching the conclusion of what has been a busy and sometimes tumultuous election cycle.

Last week, the frontpage of the Santa Fe New Mexican featured a story about St. Anne Parish Catholic Church in Santa Fe. According to the article, some Santa Fe residents raised concerns about a sign above the church’s doors, encouraging parishioners to “Vote Pro-Life.” In response, Father Larry Brito, St. Anne’s pastor, stated, “If we were standing up for immigrants, nobody would complain. But when we stand up for others who have no voice, the 4,000 children a day who are killed by abortion, they complain. It would be a great disservice to be quiet during this holocaust.”

Then, over the weekend, the Santa Fe New Mexican and the Albuquerque Journal published a full-page advertisement that included a New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (NMCCB) statement on the “dignity of the human person from conception to natural death.” In the 2017 statement, the bishops expressed their firm opposition to abortion and physician-assisted suicide, stating, “Support for abortion or doctor-assisted suicide is not in accord with the teachings of the Church. These represent the direct taking of human life, and are always wrong.” Earlier this week, the NMCCB objected to the statement being used for “political advertising.”

These stories and others point to the frequent intersection of faith and politics, and the need for people of faith to vote in accordance with their faith—not their party.

So if you have not already voted, please do so this week or on Election Day, and please remember to VOTE CHRISTIAN!

Thank you again for exercising your civic responsibility and for standing with us in our efforts to defend and strengthen the family, life, and religious freedom!

Together in Christ,

Vince Torres
President and Executive Director

“But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” -Jeremiah 29:7 (ESV)

 “Prayer is the language that moves heaven. Voting is the language that will change New Mexico.”


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