Dear Friends:

This week, I came across an interesting video featuring several Democrats expressing concerns about direction of their party and the impact of progressive politics in our state. Among their concerns…

“Progressives have taken over the Democratic Party.”

 “Progressives are destroying our culture.”

 “Progressive are attacking our traditions.”

 “Progressives are intolerant of opinions not their own.”

 “Progressives are dividing us from each other.”

 You may recall that earlier this summer, I wrote about this issue and talked about the dangers of a “progressive tsunami” this election cycle. I mentioned the handful of moderate Democrats who were handily defeated in the primary by ultra-progressive opponents and I gave three reasons why I believe many New Mexicans—including some Democrats—would think twice before handing control of our state over to the progressive movement this November:

  1. The vast majority of voters in New Mexico do not identify with the extreme factions of either major political party.
  2. Under the control of progressive leadership, the Democratic Party of New Mexico has become increasingly hostile toward those who do not toe the radical line, including moderate, traditional Democrats.
  3. New Mexicans have suffered greatly from the political corruption and government overreach that occurs when one political party controls all branches of government.

The video I mentioned affirms these reasons and also reveals a major problem within the Democratic Party of New Mexico. More and more, there is a growing division that has pit traditional, moderate Democrats against far-left, radical, progressives—progressives described by one gentleman in the video as “wolves in sheep’s clothing.”

 The video concludes by encouraging viewers to “vote people over party,” a message that resonates well with us at Kansas Family Voice of New Mexico®. Why? Because unlike other organizations and efforts, we are not beholden to any political party and our message has always been to vote for those people who support Biblical values, regardless of party affiliation.    

The future of New Mexico is up for grabs and, thankfully, we have a say in the outcome. On Election Day, our voice is our vote, and if you would like to help us spread the word about the importance of this mid-term election, please do these three things for us today:

  1. Please watch the video by clicking here, then forward this email to your family members and friends.
  2. Please continue to pray for the election and be prepared to cast your ballot for pro-life, pro-family, and pro-religious freedom candidates.
  3. Please “Like” us on Facebook and “Follow” us on Twitter for up-to-date election updates and other important information regarding our core issues and values.

Thank you for your support!

God bless,

Vince Torres
president & Executive Director



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