Dear Friends:
Elizabeth Bakewicz has brain cancer. But instead of taking her own life, Elizabeth is fighting for every single moment with her husband and two small children. Why? Because Elizabeth believes that life is precious from its very beginning to its natural end.
On Wednesday evening this week, the Santa Fe City Council will consider a resolution urging our State Legislature to make it legal in New Mexico for a doctor to prescribe a lethal dose of drugs to assist someone in taking their life. Assisted suicide has been proposed in nearly every state and it has been rejected by an overwhelming majority, including the New Mexico Legislature.
This proposal is dangerous because it neglects some very important facts about assisted suicide.
One such fact is this – doctors get it wrong.
While Elizabeth’s diagnosis was accurate, her prognosis was not. Doctors gave her only 3-5 years to live. She is now in year 8 and the same doctors who were doing everything they could to get her to her daughter’s first day of kindergarten are now working hard to get her to her daughter’s wedding day.
Would you take a few minutes today to contact the Mayor and City Councilors? Please tell them that you oppose this resolution and respectfully ask them to vote “no.”
We have made it simple for you to communicate this request to the Mayor and City Councilors. Simply visit our Action Center and you can send them a message in 30 seconds!
Also, please forward or share this message with friends in Santa Fe. It is important that our officials hear from as many people as possible.
Finally, after you have sent the message through our Action Center, please call the Mayor and City Councilors’ offices at the numbers provided and leave the same message.
Alan Webber, Mayor – (505) 955-6590
Renee Villarreal, District 1 Councilor – (505) 955-2345
Signe I. Lindell, District 1 Councilor – (505) 955-6812
Peter Ives, District 2 Councilor – (505) 955-6816
Carol Romero-Wirth, District 2 Councilor – (505) 955-6815
Chris Rivera, District 3 Councilor – (505) 955-6818
Roman “Tiger” Abeyta, District 3 Councilor – (505) 955-6814
Michael Harris, District 4 Councilor – (505) 955-6817
JoAnne Vigil Coppler, District 4 Councilor – (505) 955-6811
At Kansas Family Voice of New Mexico, we believe every life is worth fighting for. So thank you for standing with us on this important issue and for making your voice heard!
If you would like to hear more about our friend, Elizabeth, and her story, please click here to see her interview.
The Kansas Family Voice of New Mexico Team