“Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’”

 –Matthew 25:37-40 (ESV)

Dear Friends:

Have you heard the great news? Convoy of Hope (COH) is coming to Albuquerque and Kansas Family Voice of New Mexico is honored to be involved!

Next month, we will partner with dozens of area pastors, churches, and community organizations, and over one thousand volunteers to serve hundreds of families living in desperate need. This is how it works…

On Saturday, June 23, we will gather at the Albuquerque Convention Center to give away more than $1 million in free goods and services. Guests who attend the event will be given lunch, groceries, health screenings, job services, family portraits, haircuts, activities for children, and much more—at no cost to them!

A typical COH community event like this typically draws more than 7,500 guests. We are praying that God will bring 10,000 people through our doors. Why? Because it is our prayer that this united act of compassion, led by the church, would be the beginning of a long-lasting movement that transforms lives, inspires compassion and service, and brings people and organizations together like never before.

As a member of the COH Steering Committee, I have had the privilege of meeting with pastors and local leaders over the past several months, and while there is a lot of enthusiasm and support for the event, we are still in need of volunteers and church partners. So, if you are in the greater Albuquerque area, I am going to ask you to consider doing two things.

  • Please consider volunteering to serve on the day of the event! There is a volunteer rally at Calvary of Albuquerque on Friday night. The event begins at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday. You can sign up to volunteer by clicking here.
  • Please ask your pastor if your church would be willing to partner with us! Specifically, would they be willing to announce the event at their weekend services leading up to the event and encourage people to volunteer? If so, please have them contact me at newmexico@familypolicyalliance.com and I will get them all the information they need!

At Kansas Family Voice of New Mexico, our vision is a state where families thrive and, as such, we are so excited to be part of this effort to bless and serve New Mexico families.  Will you join us?

In His service and for His glory,

Vince Torres
President and Executive Director


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